About Us

CHAMP Nation Organization
CHAMP Nation Organization is a Social Enterprise to develop innovative affordable and supportive housing solutions for low-income and special needs population in Wayne County, Detroit Metro.
CHAMP, acronym for Community Health Achieved through Motivation and Participation, is purposed house transformational youth aged 16-25 in safe and sustainable homes with a social purpose and to promote economic independence.
CHAMP Nation is a movement that promotes and advocates for housing
at risk and disenfranchised homeless youth. Our mission is to House At Risk Youth in Healing Homes, transforming their lives to becoming
independent and productive adults who participate in their communities.
Once people begin to heal then communities emerge from distress to
success…One Common-Unity at a Time.
Our program is aligned with the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) and the Opening Doors initiatives for the Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) population. We have received technical training by the Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority, and United Way of Greater Los Angeles in designing our program with the proper components for an evidence based program to be recognized in accordance with LA County Standards of Excellence in Permanent Supportive Housing. There is synergy created when working with comparable organizations to expand commitments to youth housing in communities throughout Los Angeles County. We work with communities with housing resource disparages and capacity challenges. We bring our expertise to the table of community collaboratives in effort to innovate community-based system of care for a thriving youth population.
We realized that the issues in Los Angeles county is relevant and exasperated in other counties throughout American. Detroit being the biggest metropolitan city to experience bankruptcy showed a greater need for a program like CHAMP Nation to impact change. In 2016 we moved all operations to Detroit and in 2017. Our program will impact measurable changes to community value and people value, with a comprehensive approach in renovating properties and rejuvenating people's lives for the better.
CHAMP Nation Youth Housing Program provides supportive housing for the TAY population ages 16-25. Our target clients are those who are facing becoming homeless after aging out of foster care and juvenile correctional facilities on the most important day of a young person’s life - Their 18th birthday. Our program is also designed for Second Chance citizens re-entering the community ready to be productive for themselves, their families and the community. Also, our program welcomes Veterans who return home with no stable home, support or prepared for jobs that can benefit from their transferable skills.
CHAMP Community Foundation follows the housing first model that offers supportive housing that is safe, dignified and nurturing. By linking relationships with local supportive service agencies, we work with our youth to identify personal barriers and map out a life plan that will set them on a course for productive adulthood. Promoting CHAMP Nation Values we establish a movement of youth involved in improving conditions for themselves and their community. This movement is not limited to California, but is adaptable for other communities throughout our nation.
CHAMP Nation Values
Our tenants will be given a blueprint of CHAMP Nation Values, as a basis for individualizing a pathway out of pain and poverty towards healing and success:
Character: Through inner-connectivity therapies, we observe "acting out" behavior as symptomatic indicators pointing to barriers in self esteem that create personal pitfalls. Through various traditional and contemporary therapy approaches, our tenants will learn to balanced personal choices for positive outcomes.
Health: Holistic Lifestyles that incorporate: Active Body, Conscious Eating, Preventative Health Care, Encourage Spiritual Connection, and
Green Environment.
Achievement: Our youth tenants will be guided by supportive partners to identify their desired vision for life, and devise an individual Life Map setting short-/long-term goals to learn the process of achievement.
Motivation: We inspire our youth to become self-motivated to reach their full potential.
Participation: Connecting our youth with opportunities to participant in "pay it forward" programs in service to a sustainable community.
CHAMP Nation Youth Housing Model
Our groundbreaking program in Wayne County, Detroit is targeted to open our first doors by Fall 2026. In the interim of developing our mixed use, multi-unit, single room occupancy sites, Our housing sites are under a 2-5 year master lease agreement with our real estate development partnership Detroit DREAM Investment Solutions. Each property site (separate gender identified homes) should 2 (flats/duplexes) - 4 units, at least 2 bedrooms/units. Our CHAMP Nation homes will be conducted like shared off-campus housing for college student. Our tenants will be respected and respectful, given the opportunity to learn and grow through life’s experiences. Standard living conditions and amenities in each home will be:
Single Occupancy furnished, broadband access, and private storage
Life Skills Development
Education, Skill Trades training, Apprenticeships and Entrepreneurial support in various industries
Financial Literacy and Savings/Match program
Criminal Expungement Services
Supportive House Staff 24 hours/7 days Access
Case Management, Crises Intervention and Conflict Mediation
Peer/Educational/Professional/Faith-Based Mentorship